Support the music you love.

Your contribution supports the entire New York Public Radio organization so we can bring you WQXR and more.

Already a sustainer? You can manage your monthly gift by logging into the Member Center by clicking here.

1. Select Your Donation
Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $1.00.

Become a Patron with a gift of $1,200 (or $100/mo.)!

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2. Payment Method
3. Member Information

The Classical Kids Fund will help WQXR support programming and events for kids – including our live Kids Fairs, a new podcast for kids, and a WQXR Kids newsletter - to ensure future audiences for the music you love.

WNYC’s Monthly Sustainers give us a dependable base of support. And they help save time, banking fees and paper, as we don’t need to send renewal notices in the mail.

Your donation is billed to your credit card each month and your membership is automatically renewed each year. Once a year we will send you a record of your giving history for tax purposes and give you an opportunity to update your pledge amount or the way you choose to pay it. Of course, you can change or cancel your payments at anytime or request a thank you gift.

Patron membership starts with an annual gift of $1,200 or more. Learn more about the Patron program.

will help to support WQXR's classical music programming and events for kids.

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